Need a career speaker?

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Expertise for conferences & panels

Access a fresh perspective on career advice, from career transitions to remote job searches.


Workshop facilitation

Whether an in-person or virtual event, Dream Job Pursuit can provide workshop facilitation on resumes, interviewing, and/or negotiating.


Diversity, equity, & inclusion (DEI) presentations

Bring a training or lunch-and-learn into your company, including what managers can do for gender equality and generational diversity in the workplace.

Past speaking engagements

Negotiation Tips session at Wonder Women Tech 2022

Changing Careers with Repurpose Your Purpose 2018

What People Are Saying


“It was a great session and I think we all learned a lot about ourselves and the people we work with.”

State Street Project Manager


“Great subject, great speaker!”

PMI Mass Bay Member, Noontime Roundtable

“I liked the case study and group interaction.”

Attendee, Generational Diversity & Working with Millennials


“Break out was good. Got a little out of comfort zone, which is good.”

Attendee, Generational Diversity & Working with Millennials