I’m passionate about helping you grow your career as part of a happy life.

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Meet Krystina

My story is simple enough. I love helping people. When I was fresh out of my undergraduate degree, I had to job hunt in a terrible market. Using proactive strategies and specific targeting, I was offered two of my dream positions.

Once I completed my Peace Corps service a few years later, I had to job hunt again and received 3 job offers while negotiating a higher starting salary. I’ve navigated multiple successful job searches for myself (from nonprofits to tech) and dozens of clients, including new graduates, career switchers, and remote workers. I genuinely believe that knowledge should be shared and your dream job, as a part of your dream life, is worth the pursuit.

Backed by a 12-year career, a Duke MBA, and experience working in 3 continents and 7 cities, I’m looking to help my peers change from asking “What do I want to do?” and “Why is no one hiring me?” to “I got the job - where do I sign?”. Let’s collaborate!